Building new Social Economic Enterprise in 2022 - We are collaborating with DTU Aqua, Egmont Højskolen, Østagergård and Akvaponisk Have - in part funded through CoroLab in Roskilde with EU funding.
The main principle of aquaponics is very simple and mirrors nature. Fish are grown in tanks and nutrient-rich water from these tanks is pumped into hydroponic beds where vegetables, herbs, flowers and other crops absorb the nutrients for growth and purify the culture water, which is returned to the fish rearing tanks. Although the fish are living in a tank, in essence they are being raised in a river where their waste products are swept away and replaced with clean water. The plants are grown in water containing high levels of oxygen and nutrients – everything they need – without the problems associated with soils, such as weeds, soil diseases, pests and other toxicant issues and an often-experienced lack of oxygen or moisture. Plants remove only the water they need for growth.
Aquaponics is a clean aquaculture production technology system where fish waste is used as nutrients for growing vegetables. This technology can also create incentives for environmental compliance by increasing fish production and providing food security, while radically reducing water consumption, reducing nutrient discharge and providing independence from external climatic phenomena.
- Water reuse in the aquaponic system is more than 95%.
- Vegetables grow 30-50% faster than in soil.
- Greenhouse provides 12 mths continued production.
- Aquaponic grown vegetables have higher quality and longer shelf-life than vegetables grown in soil.

Aquaponic plant production beds can be layered vertically, allowing for minimal m2 use and maximum m3 volume growth indoors.
This project will establish three operational aquaponic systems. One for R&D at DTU SkyLab in Lyngby, one new system at ØAG and one new system at Egmont Højskolens new farm.
Our overall long term research aim is to establish:
1) Optimal setup for the danish climate and environment – mainly temperatures / lighting / nutrition.
2) Produce optimisation for the purpose of return on investment.
3) Social integration meaning allowing for optimal setup for operation by people with different abilities.
4) A for profit Social Economic Commercial Business model to form part of the ILC-Model.
Sustainable Housing
New sustainable designs - some © Copyright AKT - Atelier Kristoffer Tejlgaard

Social Integration
building a new future
Social integration forms an integral part of ILC and is required to work as found through many years of successful integration at Egmont Højskolen and Østagergård amongst many others.