Below you can download our newsletters and get a better insight to our progress so far…

Greenfields - our first newsletter 2022
First of all, a big thank you to everyone who has listened, discussed and sparred with us about the ILC concept since spring 2021. Since the autumn of 2021, we have been working at high pressure to prepare the setting up of the ILC association, and expect to be ready during the spring of 2022 for a founding general meeting. Here follows an update on our activities...

Aquaponics - second newsletter 2022
It is a pleasure to note that the ILC Association became a reality at the founding general meeting on 2 June 2022, and that the association's board of directors held its first board meeting on 22 June, where the board constituted itself and approved the following ILC activities...

Social Enterprise and Folkemødet 2023
Since its foundation on 22 June 2022, the ILC Association has had a busy, active and exciting six months, where the association has been met with interest and "open doors" in all contexts. The board has set an ambitious framework for the activities the association must deal with, and virtually all areas of activity are now under development...

Strategies for ILC housing location and inclusion
In order for ILC to progress in relation to housing companies, municipalities, financial partners, etc. the ILC Association must work purposefully to find specific, undeveloped areas with opportunities for ILC construction. For the time being, this has resulted in close contacts and promising meetings with Køge and Halsnæs municipalities, and the possibilities of energy plants for the catchment area, in connection with Dyssekilde and Lille Bjergby - both local eco-communities, have been explained...